
English/Expression 18

[동사 Verb] Put과 Leave 차이(Put vs Leave)

Put vs Leave put 놓다, 두다 (특정 위치에 두는 것) ex) You can put your stuff here ex) You can put your laptop here ex) Where do I put this? Just anywhere? '말로 설명하다/표현하다'의 의미도 있음. ex) As she put it, ~ 그녀가 말한 것 처럼, ~ ex) How shall I put this? 이걸 어떻게 말로 표현할까? ex) As B.B. King put it, the beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take that away from you. B.B. King이 말한 것 처럼, 배움이 아름다운 것은 그 누구도 당신에게서 뺏어갈 수..

English/Expression 2021.09.07

e메일 영어표현 - 서두, 맺음말, 요청, 압박

서두(Opening) ▶ 남성 - Dear Mr. ▶ 여성 - Dear Miss. (미혼), Mrs. (기혼), Ms.(공통) ▶ 불특정 - To whom it may concern (TWIMC) - Dear Sir or Madam, ▶ 특정 다수 - Dear all, 회신(Reply) ▶ Thank you for the fast turnaround. 빨리 처리해 줘서 감사합니다. (작업을 맡겼을 때) * turnaround (time) 작업 완료 시간, 처리 시간 ▶ Thank you for being responsive. 즉각 대응해줘서 감사합니다. * responsive 즉각대응, 호응하는 긴급 요청, 압박(Pressing) ▶ It's time-sensitive. 빨리 처리해야 해, 급해. ('u..

English/Expression 2019.09.02

영어표현 - 내가 알기로는, 듣기로는, 보기로는

1. 내가 알기로는, - As far as I know(understand), - Based on what I know, - According to what I know, - To my knowledge, 2. 내가 듣기로는, - From what I hear, - As far as I hear, - I was told (that) : 공개된 내용이 아닌, 나에게 개인적으로 전달된 얘기에 대해서 ex) I was told that It would be the same this year. 3. 내가 보기에는. (내 생각에는), - The way I see it, - As far as I can tell, - In my opinion, - I think (that)

English/Expression 2019.09.02