
영어 회화 빈출 표현 'Get'

R.D. 2017. 7. 5. 16:58


1. I got… ; ‘나한테 ~가 있어

= I’ve got ~

= I have ~


I got a great idea.

I got some news for you.

I got something for you.

I got beef with him. beef; 불평, 불만


2. I gotta… (I have get to…) ; ‘ ~ 해야 되’, ‘ ~ 해야겠다

= I have to ~

= I must ~


I gotta go. See ya!

I gotta finish this first.

I gotta have more patience.

I gotta get there on time.


3. You gotta…( ; ‘ ~ 하고 싶은 게 아니었어’, ‘~하고 싶었던 적 없었어

= I never meant to…

= I didn’t want to…


I never wanted to hurt you.

I never wanted to offend you.

I never wanted to let you down ※ let … down; …을 실망시키다(disappoint)

I never wanted to leave him


4. You’re getting… ; ‘너 점점 ~ 해지고 있어

= You’re becoming…


You’re getting amazing.

You’re getting conceited. conceited; 건방진, 잘난 척하는

You’re getting thinner.

You’re getting mad at me again.


5. I will go get… ; ‘내가 ~가지고 올게’, ‘ ~하러 갈게

= I will go and get… 이 원문


I’ll go get us something to drink

I’ll go get some beer.

I’ll go get some sleep.

I’ll go get a chair.


6. I don’t get… ; ‘~이 이해가 안되

= I don’t understand…


I don’t get him.

I don’t get your point.

I don’t get what you trying to say.

I don’t get why he’s upset.


7. I got you… ; ‘너 주려고 ~ 샀어

= I get … for you.

= I brought you…


I get you a little something.

I get you your favorite.

I get you going-away present.

I get you necklace for your birthday.


8. Do you ever get the feeling (that)…? ; ‘~라는 느낌이 든 적 있어?’

= Do you ever have the feeling (that)…?

= Do you ever feel (that)…?

= Have you ever get/have the feeling…?


Do you ever get the feeling life is unfair?

Do you ever get the feeling you’re being followed?

Do you ever get the feeling something’s not right?

Do you ever get the feeling nothing’s going right?

※ nothing is going right; 제대로 되는 것이 없다.



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