캐나다 브리티시 컬럼비아에서 여행용 항원검사(Antigen Test) 방법 소개 드립니다.
I'd like to share the way to be Antigen Test for traveling in British Columbia, Canada.
2021. 12. 06부터 실시한 미국 입국 1일 전 실시한 코로나 검사서 지참 요건으로 인해 고민을 하시고 계신 분들이 많이 있을 것으로 압니다. 제가 그랬기 때문에 해당 정보를 공유하고자 합니다.
The U.S. added new testing rules for international travel: Starting on Mon, Dec 6, 2021, they require all international travelers bound for the U.S. by air to get tested within ONE DAY of travel. For this reason, I think many people are taking pains to find out a way. I'd like to introduce some ways because I struggled to look for ways.
미국을 포함한 몇 나라는 PCR 검사 뿐만 아니라 항원검사도 허용하고 있습니다.
허나, 주의하실 점은 미국의 경우 항체검사(Antibody Test)는 허용하지 않습니다.
For admission into a country, Some country includes the U.S. allow the PCR test as well as Antigen test.
However, one point you should be aware of is the US do not permit the "Antibody test".
검사처 목록(Testing Lab. List)
하기 링크의 검사처를 참조해주시면 됩니다.
해당 리스트는 항원검사 뿐만 아니라 PCR, 항체검사 가능한 곳을 포함하므로,
본인이 가까운 지역의 업체들 위주로 하나하나 확인하여 진행하시길 당부 드립니다.
Please refer to the link below.
The list includes the Antigen test as well as PCR and Antibody test.
Therefore, you must check them out and progress.
The BC Government’s official COVID-19 response app powered by Thrive Health. The latest updates, resources, symptom tracking, and self-assessment.
- 24/7 Testing (Lower mainland, Nanaimo, Victoria)
- A + Travel Tests (Matters of Health Medical Clinic, Vancouver)
- Ace Travel Clinic (Vancouver)
- Airwolf Medical (Whistler)
- Bon Voyage Medical (Coquitlam)
- Boundless Medical (Victoria)
- Burnside Family Medical Clinic (Victoria)
- Care Point Medical Centre – Joyce (Vancouver)
- Choice Medical Clinic (Vancouver)
- Connectus Global – Laboratory Medicine (Victoria International Airport)
- COVID Travel Vancouver (Abbotsford, Burnaby, Cloverdale, Delta, Richmond, Surrey, North Vancouver, West Vancouver, Vancouver)
- CVM Medical Ltd (Richmond/YVR)
- Elicare Lansdowne Medical Clinic (Richmond)
- FastTest (Vancouver, Burnaby, Surrey)
- IME Clinic (Vancouver)
- Imperial Medical Clinic (Burnaby)
- Integrated Wellness Medical Centre (North Vancouver, Port Coquitlam)
- Iridia Medical (Vancouver)
- LifeLabs
- Live Well Medical Centre (Richmond)
- London Drugs (Vancouver, Burnaby, Surrey)
- Lower Mainland Family, Urgent and Primary Care Centres (Vancouver, Burnaby, Surrey)
- Loyal Medical Clinic (Vancouver)
- Midtown Medical Clinic (Richmond)
- Okanagan Testing Clinic (Princeton, Penticton, Kamloops)
- Onsite Immunization and Wellness (Mobile Service)
- Reel Covid Testing – (Lower Mainland)
- Saanich Plaza Medical Clinic (Victoria)
- SD Medical (Victoria)
- Station Square Medical Clinic (Burnaby)
- Sky Medical Clinic (Vancouver)
- Travel Medicine & Vaccination Centre (Langley, Kelowna, Victoria)
- Travel Safe Immunization (Vancouver)
- Ultima Medical (Richmond)
- Vancouver International Airport (YVR, Richmond)
- Vaxi (Lower Mainland and Fraser Valley)
- West Coast Family Medical Clinic (Sooke)
- Whitecap RSC Medical (Vancouver, Langford, Whistler and BC airports: YVR South, Kelowna, Nanaimo, Terrace and Prince George)
이 중 몇 가지 방법을 추천드립니다.
상황이 매 순간 순간 바뀌기 때문에 정확한 정보는 본인이 알아보는 것이 제일 정확합니다.
해당 내용은 참고로만 사용하시길 부탁드립니다.
I'd like to introduce some ways and test centers to where to get an Antigen test in Canada.
Since the situation changes every moment, you must find out the exact information yourself.
1. CVM Medical Ltd, 밴쿠버 공항(CVM Medical Ltd, Vancouver International Airport (YVR, Richmond))
공항에서 Rapid Antigen Test가 진행 가능하다.
가격이 129 CAD(세금 포함 약 135.45 CAD)로 비싼 편이지만,
결과가 20분정도면 나오기 때문에 시간이 촉박하시고 이동이 힘드신 분들에게 추천드림.
You can be tested for the Rapid Antigen in Vacouver International Airport(YVR).
The price is 129 CAD(After-tax: 134.45 CAD).
It's expensive but takes much less time. Therefore, this is recommended for people who are pressed for time or are not capable of moving anywhere.
밑의 링크에서 예약하고 가도되고, 현장 예약도 가능합니다.
Use the link below to make a reservation. On-site reservation is available.
Covid-19 Test Book Online - COVID Medical
Rapid Antigen COVID-19 Test Rapid COVID testing produces on the spot results for our customers at the same time as your appointment. Rapid Antigen COVID-19 Test @ YVR – 3211 Grant McConachie Way, Richmond Vancouver International Airport (YVR)Hours: 05:00
자세한 후기는 아래를 참고.
Refer to the link below for more details.
캐나다 밴쿠버 공항에서 항원 검사(Antigen Test)_코로나 검사
캐나다에서 한국 갈 때는 PCR Test를 받아야 하지만 미국 갈 때는 Antigen Test(항원 검사)로도 가능...
2. 라이프 랩스 Life Labs
라이프 랩스는 해당 사이트에서 예약 뒤 Shoppers라는 드럭 스토어에서 테스트가 가능합니다.
Shoppers가 워낙 흔해서 접근성이 용이해서 추천드린다.
하지만, 현재 항원검사는 브리티시 컬럼비아(BC)의 경우 실시하지 않고, 온타리오(ON)만 실시하니 참고.
(PCR검사와 항체검사는 실시함.)
For Life Labs, you can make a reservation at the Life Labs site then will be tested at the drug store, "Shoppers".
I recommend this way because "Shoppers" are widely placed in Canada.
However, at the moment, the Antigen test is not implemented in British Columbia. It is available in Ontario.
* PCR test and the Antibody test is available to be conducted.
COVID-19 – LifeLabs
As part of our safety precautions, face masks are mandatory at all of our locations. Customers must wear their face mask at all times in the facility and while standing in line outside the facility. If you do not have a mask, we will provide you with one.
3. 본 보야지 메디컬 Bon Voyage Medical
본인은 밴쿠버가 멀어서 코퀴틀람의 본 보야지 메디컬을 선택했다.
본 보야지 메디컬은 리치몬드의 쉐라톤 호텔 및 밴쿠버 공항에서도 테스트가 가능하다.
1번에서 소개한 CVM Medical 보다 싼 가격으로 공항에서 시험이 가능한 점이 장점.
I selected Bon Voyage Medical in Coquitlam because I was living in a city far from Vancouver.
Bon Voyage Medical has branches that are located at Sheraton Vancouver Airport Hotel in Richmond and Vancouver International Airport. So, you can be tested at the airport.
You can be tested at the airport cheaper than CVM Medical that I introduced as No. 1.
The site of Bon Voyage Medical:
Timely & Reliable COVID-19 Testing For Travel & Business | Bon Voyage Medical
Fast turn-around, private pay COVID-19 PCR and antibody testing certificates for individual travellers, groups & corporations.
Online Booking Site:
Book Online at Bon Voyage Medical
COVID-19 PCR, Antigen and Antibody Testing for Travel and Work
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캐나다 밴쿠버(브리티시 컬럼비아)에서 미국 여행용 항원검사 받기 - 예약(Antigen Test for Traveling to
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