
영어표현 14

영어 회화 빈출 표현 'Think'

Think 1. I think (that)… ; ‘~ 할/인 것 같다’ = I believe (that)… e.g.) I think I should get going now. I think I bombed the interview. I think you’re overreacting. I think he’s got a big ego. ※ have(get) a big ego…; 자만심이 심하다, 거만하다 2. I’ve been thinking about…; ‘난 ~에 대해 계속 생각하고 있었어/생각해보는 중이야’ e.g.) I’ve been thinking about you. I’ve been thinking about transferring to another school. I’ve been thinkin..

English 2017.10.12

영어 회화 빈출 표현 'Have'

Have 1. I have some… ; ‘나한테 ~이 약간 있어’ = I’ve got some… e.g.) I have some change in my pocket. I have some concerns about the plan. I have some experience in the IT field. I have some ideas for our project. 2. I have nothing to… ; ‘난 ~할게 아무것도 없어’ = I’ve got nothing to… = I don’t have anything to… = There’s nothing for me to… e.g.) I have nothing to do. I have nothing to lose. I have nothing to sa..

English 2017.10.10

영어 회화 빈출 표현 'Gonna(=going to)'

Gonna [Going to 의 비 격식표현. 구어체에서만 사용.] 1. I’m gonna… ; ‘난 ~ 할거야’ = I plan to ~ = I’m planning to ~ e.g.) I’m gonna stay out tonight. I’m gonna be a stay someday. I’m gonna break up with my boyfriend. I’m gonna stay up all night. 2. I’m never gonna… ; ‘나 절대 ~ 안 할거야’, ‘나 절대 ~ 못할거야’ = I’m not gonna ~ (at all) = I don’t plan to ~ (at all) = I’m not planning to ~ (at all) e.g.) I’m never gonna tell yo..

English 2017.10.09

영어 회화 빈출 표현 'Get'

Get 1. I got… ; ‘나한테 ~가 있어’ = I’ve got ~ = I have ~ e.g.) I got a great idea. I got some news for you. I got something for you. I got beef with him. ※ beef; 불평, 불만 2. I gotta… (I have get to…) ; ‘나 ~ 해야 되’, ‘나 ~ 해야겠다’ = I have to ~ = I must ~ e.g.) I gotta go. See ya! I gotta finish this first. I gotta have more patience. I gotta get there on time. 3. You gotta…( ; ‘난 ~ 하고 싶은 게 아니었어’, ‘~하고 싶었던 적..

English 2017.07.05