
분류 전체보기 165

영어 회화 빈출 표현 'Think'

Think 1. I think (that)… ; ‘~ 할/인 것 같다’ = I believe (that)… e.g.) I think I should get going now. I think I bombed the interview. I think you’re overreacting. I think he’s got a big ego. ※ have(get) a big ego…; 자만심이 심하다, 거만하다 2. I’ve been thinking about…; ‘난 ~에 대해 계속 생각하고 있었어/생각해보는 중이야’ e.g.) I’ve been thinking about you. I’ve been thinking about transferring to another school. I’ve been thinkin..

English 2017.10.12

영어 회화 빈출 표현 'Have'

Have 1. I have some… ; ‘나한테 ~이 약간 있어’ = I’ve got some… e.g.) I have some change in my pocket. I have some concerns about the plan. I have some experience in the IT field. I have some ideas for our project. 2. I have nothing to… ; ‘난 ~할게 아무것도 없어’ = I’ve got nothing to… = I don’t have anything to… = There’s nothing for me to… e.g.) I have nothing to do. I have nothing to lose. I have nothing to sa..

English 2017.10.10

영어 회화 빈출 표현 'Gonna(=going to)'

Gonna [Going to 의 비 격식표현. 구어체에서만 사용.] 1. I’m gonna… ; ‘난 ~ 할거야’ = I plan to ~ = I’m planning to ~ e.g.) I’m gonna stay out tonight. I’m gonna be a stay someday. I’m gonna break up with my boyfriend. I’m gonna stay up all night. 2. I’m never gonna… ; ‘나 절대 ~ 안 할거야’, ‘나 절대 ~ 못할거야’ = I’m not gonna ~ (at all) = I don’t plan to ~ (at all) = I’m not planning to ~ (at all) e.g.) I’m never gonna tell yo..

English 2017.10.09

영어 회화 빈출 표현 'Get'

Get 1. I got… ; ‘나한테 ~가 있어’ = I’ve got ~ = I have ~ e.g.) I got a great idea. I got some news for you. I got something for you. I got beef with him. ※ beef; 불평, 불만 2. I gotta… (I have get to…) ; ‘나 ~ 해야 되’, ‘나 ~ 해야겠다’ = I have to ~ = I must ~ e.g.) I gotta go. See ya! I gotta finish this first. I gotta have more patience. I gotta get there on time. 3. You gotta…( ; ‘난 ~ 하고 싶은 게 아니었어’, ‘~하고 싶었던 적..

English 2017.07.05

영어 회화 빈출 표현 'Want'

Want 1. Want to… (Wanna…) ; ‘~하고 싶어’ = I’d like to ~ = I’d love to ~ e.g.) I wanna see the video clip. I wanna meet him tonight I wanna go to party I wanna try something new. 2. I don’t want to… (I don’t wanna…) ; ‘~하고 싶지 않아’ e.g.) I don’t wanna work for him. I don’t wanna talk to him. I don’t wanna go out with him. ※ go out with …; …와 데이트 하다. I don’t wanna go there by myself. 3. I just wanted t..

English 2017.05.17

영어명언 - 정치를 외면한 가장 큰 대가는 가장 저질스러운 인간들에게 지배당한다는 것이다(One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors.)

One of the penalties for refusing to participate in politics is that you end up being governed by your inferiors. 정치를 외면한 가장 큰 대가는 가장 저질스러운 인간들에게 지배당한다는 것이다. 플라톤 (Plato, BC 427 ~ BC347)

English/Proverb 2017.05.10