검토하다 Review / Examine / Go Over / Look Over
동사 Verb
💡 review
💡 examine
구동사 Phrasal verb
💡 go over
꼼꼼히 살펴보다, 점검하다
to search or examine something very carefully
→ 중요한 문서를 검토할 때 사용
We need to go over this agreement to the every details of the agreement.
*to the every last detail 하나도 빠짐없이
Go over the details of the agreement.
💡 look over
훑어보다, 빠르게 검토하다
to examine something or someone quickly,
without paying much attention to detail
: 대충 봐도 되는 문서를 볼 때 사용
→ 남에게 무엇을 봐달라고 조심스럽게 부탁할 때 사용
I looked over your resume.
I was wondering if you could look over my reading assignment.
Did you get a chance to look over my proposal?
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